Weekly Favorites 03/05/2017


I can't believe it's May already. I know that this is very cliche but the year seems to be flying by. I'm just planning on enjoying the beautiful weather we have here in Rome until things really heat up for the summer and everyone stops working (July/August). After Monday, there are no more holidays in May and that feels kind of good.  April was such a crazy month with long weekends and lots of plans, but I'm looking forward to a productive month of work and with my best friend coming in 3 WEEKS!!

Looking forward...

What's new with Me:

All that said, there will be a lot of planning this month. I'm trying to expand my social outreach with the blog (with Facebook and Pinterest being priorities) and I would love to start making videos. I also really need to up my Italian grammar game and get cracking on the textbook I bought myself (nerd alert). Of course, day trips to the beach will be liberally sprinkled in throughout the month.

la vita roma

Around Rome in May:

There are plenty of food festivals in Rome this month, with a food truck festival in Trastevere on the 5-7 and a wine festival (!!!) at Eataly on the 11-13. There's also a famous electronic music festival the weekend of the 25th called the Spring Attitude Festival, hosted at the MAXXI Modern Art Museum that I'm very interested in. Open all month is the Rose Garden near the Orange Garden Park that I've been wanting to go to for years! All in all, there's a ton to do this month and I want to check a lot of new things out.

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma