Weekly Favorites 19/04/2017


With a long weekend and Easter celebrated on Sunday, last week completely flew by. It's a really big holiday for Italians, marked by holy week festivities, a big family lunch on Sunday and then usually, a day spent outside for Pasquetta on Monday. We managed to fit all of this in, with a trip to Tivoli and Villa d'Este on Saturday, an English mass in the center on Sunday, followed by a delicious and very heavy lunch with Edoardo's family, and a trip to the beach on Monday.

Our lunch was very traditional, with handmade fettuccine, roasted lamb, chocolate and the famous Easter dessert, Colomba. Afterwards, I kid you not, I didn't eat for 24 hours. Dinner was out of the question and even breakfast the next day (hot chocolate and Easter cake) was too much. Before coming to Italy, I didn't even know the meaning of the word full. Food-wise, I fit in quite well here. 

la vita roma

Going to the beach for the first time this year was nice and really got me excited for beach season here. On the weekends, everyone in the city heads to the beach and beachside lunch and aperitivo are very common. I'm making it a point to visit some of Italy's more famous islands this year and I would also love to get back to Puglia again.

I hope everyone's having a great week! We have another long weekend coming up (this week it's four days!) so that's what I'm looking forward to :)

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma