Weekly Favorites 14/9/16


small italian town This week has been especially crazy because I am hosting my best friend (hi Tori!) and continuing to work as well. She's been to Rome many times before so the beauty of this trip is that we can both do things that we enjoy, without feeling compelled to visit the monuments or other tourist meccas in the center. So far we've been to an abbacchio sagra (or lamb festival) in the tiny town of Roiate, Lazio, exploring in the center of Rome, and to the quartiere Testaccio. I love going outside of Rome to visit the small, beautiful towns in the mountains and if they happen to have a lunch planned with penne arrabbiata, lamb, sausages, arrosticini (meat skewers), and 3 euro bottles of wine, all the better. In the center of Rome, Testaccio is the old slaughter district and is very interesting to visit when you've gone through your list of must-sees in the center. Art exhibits and great restaurants are why most people visit this neighborhood, along with the beautiful Non-Catholic cemetery.

graffiti rome

bakery rome

pincio rome

non catholic cemetery rome