La Vita Roma

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Weekly Favorites 22/11/16

la vita roma Prepping for Thanksgiving in a foreign country takes pre-holiday madness to a new level, especially when some people are experiencing it and all of its glory for the first time, with YOUR food. This holiday is my favorite of the year because of its celebration of food (duh) and family, and I'm so excited to show it to my Italians friends here.

This week I've been roaming around looking for necessary and hard-to-find ingredients, i.e. sweet potatoes, marshmallows, canned pumpkin, brown sugar, and cranberry sauces. You can find most of them at Castroni, the American Dream in Rome. It imports goods from different countries all over the world and if its prices are a little high, who cares because peanut butter is always worth it. Exciting times...

la vita roma


la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma