La Vita Roma

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Reasons to be thankful this year: What I miss most about the US

Living in Italy has been an extraordinary experience so far and has given me so many opportunities to grow as a person. That said, sometimes there are things that no incredible pizza or thrill at having a successful Italian conversation can fix. These are the things I miss most about living at home and what I'm most thankful for.

  • New England fall foliage

reasons thankful

  • Having crosswalks where cars will actually stop for you
  • Delivery services. Specifically food-related.
  • American sports including football and baseball season

reasons thankful

  • 5-star 5 subject college-ruled notebooks, none of this graph notebook business
  • Watching Netflix without changing your VPN
  • Apple-picking and other festive fall activities

reasons thankful

  • Mexican food, i.e. avocados that aren't hard, guac, and margs.
  • Having the right to vote, when Italians have to fight their government for this.
  • Washer-dryer combos, because air drying is so annoying.
  • Family dinners and all the annoying parts of your family that you pretend to hate but secretly love.

reasons thankful

  • Being close enough for best friend dates on the couch with wine
  • Having Saturdays off from school (yes, these poor suckers go to school 6 days a week up to high school)
  • Celebrating American holidays in the US (RIP Thanksgiving, the fourth of July, and other random Monday holidays)
  • Cuddling with pets

reasons thankful

  • iMessaging and FaceTiming because most people have iPhones
  • Having written exams and tests instead of oral interviews at school (almost all tests in the Italian school system are oral)
  • Bagels and brunch. Self-explanatory.

reasons thankful

Above all, I'm so thankful to be going home this Christmas and spending the holidays with my family. What are you most thankful for this year?